The damage? 370 ringgits+++++3 permanent holes in my wallet and 1 in in ma mama's heart.
Mother dearest:You siao ar? Spend 370 on a silly cap.
Me:Wat la. Nice wat. I learn marketing. I understand the added value la. Its worth the money. Trust me. Aiya you dunno one la.
Her: Next time you buy nonsence like this you earn your own money.
Me: Sure thing mum. NOT
Initially when i asked the guy he said it was 400 no less. But thanks to my bargaining skills i managed to bring it down by a measly 30. When asked whether it is 100% authentic Ichiban originated and not Ulukelang. The shop owner guarantied it to me with a promise of a 200% money back guaranty. Ahem nuff said.
Why wear a cap all of a sudden? Like my other head, the one that calls the shots 90% of the time, it likes to be free. By free i mean free to feel the not so cool breeze that blows by not so frequently. And by my other head i mean the one sitting in my pants. Yeah the one the size of your water bottle.
I like to feel the wind in my hair. More so, i like to feel a woman's touch gently stroking through my abundance of strong black hair i.e hutan hujan khatulistiwa. Heck, even more so if she just stroke my rod.
Now for the head. Yeah the other one. The one on top of my shoulders. Its coz i had the best haircut ive ever had in my entire life that i have to cover up my head with this masterpiece of a garment they call a cap.
Thanks to you my dear hairdresser. You are the best.
I told him i wanted my 30 ringgits back, and unless he wanted to taste the sweet taste of my award winning dish id given the name ze knuckle zandvich, he best do what i say. Sure enough, he curled up in the fetal position and started licking on his thumb.
This story really happened. Except for tha part i paid 30 ringgits. I only paid 10 ringgits.
Girls treat me good and i might buy you the pink one. And by good i know you know what i mean by good.
Good night now. byes
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